Lets say I have an ontology with some classes (:A and :B) and an object property ( :x that that have the domain A and the range B) and I import that ontology into a triple store with no inference mechanism or lets say with inference disabled.
After that if I insert a triple into the triple store like this:
<http://instanceOfAClass.com> :x <http://instanceOfBClass.com>
For a valid and a correct description of the two instances is it ok to insert only the above triple to state that http://instanceOfAClass.com is of type A and http://instanceOfBClass.com is of type :B, or is it necessary to add the following two triples as well?
<http://instanceOfAClass.com> rdf:type :A.
<http://instanceOfBClass.com> rdf:type :B.
For a complete answer - under the assumption that your desired expressivity includes at least domain and range axioms - the two extra axioms are necessary if no inference is enabled.