So I have created a policy and registered it in the AuthServicePRovider, but it always returns false. It is my first time working with policies so I am sure I am doing it wrong, but following a few examples, nothing has worked for me.
I am logged in with user that has an id of 1. I try to edit a label that has a user_id of 1, returns false, and also when trying to edit a label that has a user_id of 2. This last one works as expected, but f the user_id and label->user_id match, I should ave a form displayed. Instead, I get this each time:
This action is unauthorized.
Any ideas?
AuthServiceProvider: (Tried both but both don't work):
protected $policies = [
'App\Label' => 'App\Policies\LabelPolicy'
And this one also did not do the trick:
protected $policies = [
Label::class => LabelPolicy::class
public function edit(Label $label)
// $this->authorize('edit', $label); // This also returns false
if (auth()->user()->cannot('edit', $label)) {
dd('NO'); // This is always shown
public function edit(Label $label)
dd('test'); // This is never shown anywhere
return auth()->user()->id === $label->user_id;
The policies expects actually two inputs, the first input is always the User class, the second input is the Model and defaults to the Model class. So in your case:
public function edit(User $user, Label $label)
return $user->id === $label->user_id;
public function edit(Label $label)