I am using meteor autoform and iron:router to create a form that redirects to the form _id on submit (i.e localhost3000/submit/_id. That all works great but what I want to do now is make it so my template only displays that forms results not all of them.
here is the code I currently have
<div class="displayBox">
{{#each Submits}}
{{> formDisplay}}
<template name="formDisplay">
AutoForm.addHooks('insertSubmit', {
onSuccess: function(doc) {
Router.go('formDisplay',{_id: this.docId});
Router.route('/submit', {
layoutTemplate: 'submitLayout',
waitOn: function() { return Meteor.subscribe("Submits"); },
loadingTemplate: 'loading'
Router.route('/submit/:_id', {
name: 'formDisplay',
data: function() { return Products.findOne(this.params._id);},
waitOn: function() { return Meteor.subscribe("Submits"); },
loadingTemplate: 'loading'
SubmitSchema = new SimpleSchema({
title: {
type: String,
label: "Title"
type: String,
label: "subject"
type: String,
label: "Summary"
type: String,
label: "Author",
autoValue: function() {
return this.userId
autoform: {
type: "hidden"
createdAt: {
type: Date,
label: "Created At",
autoValue: function(){
return new Date()
autoform: {
type: "hidden"
Submits.attachSchema( SubmitSchema );
You need to add a id filter into your publication which only return you the current specific doc.
Your route code:
Router.route('/submit/:_id', {
name: 'formDisplay',
data: function() { return Products.findOne(this.params._id);},
waitOn: function() { return Meteor.subscribe("Submits", { '_id': this.params._id } ); },
loadingTemplate: 'loading'
Your publication code :
Meteor.publish('tasks', function(filter) {
filter = ( filter ? filter : {} );
return Products.findOne(filter);