I have cloned entire project like this
git clone --recursive https://github.com/NecronomiconCoding/NecroBot "D:\74 pokemon go\Pokemon-Go-Rare-Hunter-Bot"
It has created the project folder and cloned everything
Now i want to convert this into my project and push it into github
But no matter what i do i can not achieve it
When i type git status
i see the below output
So what commands do i need to convert this into a github project and push it into remote repository?
I can not fork since i have previously forked project and it does not let me fork until i remove what i have or rename it which i do not want
Or can i fork with a different name?
fork it on github then clone your own repo.
If you have already forked you should branch it.
git checkout -b new-branch <COMMIT_ID>