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How to restore or copy component templates?

Where can I find file where my component templates are stored? What if I need to copy it to another machine or just restore it when reinstalling my system? Strange, but I can't find an answer to this seemingly simple question for the second day. Thank you!


  • In my install of Delphi7, for instance, my Delphi setup is in D:\D7 and the component templates are in the file D:\D7\Bin\Delphi.DCT, which must be the default because I never use component templates.

    In D7, Delphi.DCT is a binary file which appears to contain all the user-installed component templates, so I imagine (not tested) that copying it to the corresponding location on another machine is all you would need to do.

    Fwiw I found the DCT file by saving a component template with an unusual name, then did a text search through my Delphi install directory and below to find which file contained the name. D7 pre-dates of course the more "modern" storage locations MS dreamt up.

    For later versions, mine are located in %AppData%\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\{version}\bds.dct on Win10, e.g. mine for Seattle is located in C:\Users\MA\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\17.0