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how blade can access to defined varibles outside of itself

i want to create a template engine with php regex

my template engine is the following code


    class tmp
        public function assign($name,$val){
        public function compile($buffer){
            $buffer= '?> '.preg_replace('~\{\!\!\s*\$(\w+)\s*\!\!\}~', '<?php echo $GLOBALS["$1"]; ?>', $buffer);

            file_put_contents('compiled.php', $buffer);
            return $buffer;
        public function run($run){
            return eval($run);


and my theme is the following code

{!! $bar !!} 

and compiled theme is

    <?php echo $GLOBALS["bar"]; ?> 

I access to vars with $GLOBALS but in blade the compiled code is as follows

<?php echo $bar; ?>

how blade can access to defined vars directly with their name?


  • I can't confirm this is how blade is doing it, though I suspect it would be, but basically extract does that exactly what you are asking:

    It takes an array of variables and inserts directly into the symbol tables so they be accessed directly. Used in combination with get_defined_variables() it becomes very useful.