In Winston logger for node js, is it possible to log the shut down of a node application? For example, if a node app is run in a docker, and the docker container is killed, is it possible to log that with winston? Or do I need to log it through docker?
You can capture signal events in node.js and run any code on that signal, in your case the logging.
A docker stop
will send a SIGTERM
signal, and that's the standard 'close all your files and connections and stop the program' signal that is sent to a *nix process. You probably want to handle a SIGINT
in the same way too (a ctrl-c sends this).
process.on('SIGTERM', function() {
winston.log('Got a SIGTERM, exiting');
A docker kill
or a timeout on docker stop
will send a SIGKILL
. You can't capture a SIGKILL
from node.js as this is the kernels "kill it and don't ask questions" last resort to get rid of a process. To capture some logs for a kill you would need look at dockers logs, or some other external monitoring/logging as kills can come from anywhere (For example a kill -9
command or the Out Of Memory manager in the kernel).
You can combine your docker logs with your application logs by using a docker logging driver that matches your Winston transport if they are both logging to a central location. Syslog, Graylog(gelf) and Fluentd are open source log collectors and can be used from both.