I am trying to add a new column in a monetDB database and I want it positioned after a specific one. In mysql
this is possible using the AFTER
ALTER TABLE myTable ADD myNewColumn VARCHAR(255) AFTER myOtherColumn
I am trying this in the mclient
sql>ALTER TABLE dbname.table_name ADD COLUMN new_name AFTER existing_name SET DEFAULT NULL;
What I get is a syntax error:
syntax error, unexpected AFTER in: "ALTER TABLE dbname.table_name ADD COLUMN new_name AFTER"
It is true that the ALTER documentation does not specify that AFTER
exists, but I am hoping that anybody knows an alternative.
The safe way is to create an new table with the columns properly ordered and move the data; you probably know this already. However if you really cannot do that, create a view:
CREATE VIEW AS SELECT [order the columns however you want here] FROM your_table;