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Get all entries for a specific json tag only in postgresql

I have a database with a json field which has multiple parts including one called tags, there are other entries as below but I want to return only the fields with "{"tags":{"+good":true}}".


I can get part of the way there with this statement in my where clause trips.metadata->'tags'->>'+good' = 'true' but that returns all instances where tags are good and true including all entries above. I want to return entries with the specific statement "{"tags":{"+good":true}}" only. So taking out the two entries that begin has_temps.

Any thoughts on how to do this?


  • With jsonb column the solution is obvious:

    with trips(metadata) as (
    select *
    from trips
    where metadata = '{"tags":{"+good":true}}';
    (2 rows)

    If the column's type is json then you should cast it to jsonb:

    where metadata::jsonb = '{"tags":{"+good":true}}';