I have a cell array A, which I wish to print as a table. The first columns and first row are headers. For example I have
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
And I want the output to look like this:
1 ||2 |3
4 ||5 |6
7 ||8 |9
The vertical bars are not problematic. I just dont know how to print out the horizontal line. It should be more flexible then just disp('-------')
. It should resize depending on how big my strings in my cells are.
So far I only implemented the ugly way which just displays a static string '-----'.
function [] = dispTable(table)
basicStr = '%s\t| ';
fmt = strcat('%s\t||',repmat(basicStr,1,size(table,2)-1),'\n');
lineHeader = '------';
%print first line as header:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
You are not going to reliably be able to compute the width of a field since you are using tabs whose width can vary from machine to machine. Also if you're trying to display something in a tabular structure, it's best to avoid tabs just in case two values are different by more than 8 characters which would lead to the columns not lining up.
Rather than using tabs, I would use fixed-width fields for your data, then you know exactly how many -
characters to use.
% Construct a format string using fixed-width fonts
% NOTE: You could compute the needed width dynamically based on input
format = ['%-4s||', repmat('%-4s|', 1, size(table, 2) - 1)];
% Replace the last | with a newline
format(end) = char(10);
% You can compute how many hypens you need to span your data
h_line = [repmat('-', [1, 5 * size(table, 2)]), 10];
% Now print the result
fprintf(format, table{1,:})
fprintf(format, table{2:end,:})
% 1 ||2 |3
% ---------------
% 4 ||7 |5
% 8 ||6 |9