I'm trying to setup some models in the test database and then post to a custom form which includes a file upload.
Nothing seems to be persisting in the database, and I'm unsure about why the test when I perform the POST is sending back a 200 response? With follow=False, shouldn't it be a 302?
Also, when I try to look for the model in the database, it finds nothing.
And when I look at the database when using the --keepdb option, nothing is there either?
What am I doing wrong?
class ImportTestCase(TestCase):
remote_data_url = "http://test_data.csv"
local_data_path = "test_data.csv"
c = Client()
password = "password"
def setUp(self):
utils.download_file_if_not_exists(self.remote_data_url, self.local_data_path)
self.my_admin = User.objects.create_superuser('jonny', '[email protected]', self.password)
self.c.login(username=self.my_admin.username, password=self.password)
def test_create_organisation(self):
self.o = Organization.objects.create(**{'name': 'TEST ORG'})
def test_create_station(self):
self.s = Station.objects.create(**{'name': 'Player', 'organization_id': 1})
def test_create_window(self):
self.w = Window.objects.create(**{'station_id': 1})
def test_create_component(self):
self.c = Component.objects.create(**{
'type': 'Player',
'window_id': 1,
'start': datetime.datetime.now(),
'end': datetime.datetime.now(),
'json': "",
'layer': 0}
def test_csv_import(self):
"""Testing that standard csv imports work"""
with open(self.local_data_path) as fp:
response = self.c.post('/schedule/schedule-import/create/', {
'component': self.c,
'csv': fp,
'date_from': datetime.datetime.now(),
'date_to': datetime.datetime.now()
}, follow=False)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_record_exists(self):
new_component = Component.objects.all()
self.assertTrue(len(new_component) > 0)
And the test results
Using existing test database for alias 'default'...
FAIL: test_record_exists (schedule.tests.ImportTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tests.py", line 64, in test_record_exists
self.assertTrue(len(new_component) > 0)
AssertionError: False is not true
Ran 6 tests in 1.250s
FAILED (failures=1)
The --keepdb
option means that the database is kept. That means it's quicker to run the tests again because you don't have to recreate the table.s
However, each test method in a TestCase
class is run in a transaction which is rolled back after the method has finished. Using --keepdb
doesn't change this.
This means that your object created in test_create_component
will not be seen by the test_record_exists
test. You can either create the object inside the test_record_exists
method, or in the setUp
method or setUpTestData