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Qt remove empty space between widgets on QVBoxLayout

I have annoying problem. I created QVBoxLayout on which I added my widgets. This is sample from my constructor:

layout = new QVBoxLayout;

And then I have function to add widgets.


_wave is my own widget. But you can add whatever you want, for example QButton.

What do I want achieve? Similar like this but without any spaces beetween widgets added to layout. Just only QButtons or other widget, sticked each other.

I added everywhere setMargins, setSpacing etc. Please help me with that, I don't really have an idea what should I do.

enter image description here

Sorry for colors, but I wanted to mentioned what I want to achieve. I have mainWindow on which I added QWidget. This widget have blue background. Then to the layout, Im addding some widgets, which are orange on this image. I just want to be sure, that this blue background between widget isnt visible. I want to have widget under widget, without any space.


  • I know the question was posted a year ago, but if it can help some people save some time, I would be glad. I had the same problem and was able to solve it by setting:

    • QFrame.setFrameShape() to NoFrame
    • QFrame.setLineWidth() to 0.

    The image below is the result of 2 QtextEdit put side by side in a Layout, using the described method.

    enter image description here