I'm trying to learn how to use custom events in Flex.
I'm following Oliver Merk's tutorial found here: blog
The custom event works if I implement it using MXML in the main app. But, if I use actionscript, then I get error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property ADD_PRODUCT through a reference with static type Class.
My Event: In the events subdirectory, I've got:
package events {
import flash.events.Event;
public class AddProductEvent extends Event {
public var productName:String;
public function AddProductEvent( type:String, productName:String ) {
super( type );
this.productName = productName;
override public function clone():Event {
return new AddProductEvent( type, productName );
In the component, I've got a radioButtonGroup
<mx:RadioButtonGroup id="choicesRadioButtonGroup" itemClick="onButtonClick()"/>
private function onButtonClick():void {
var myEventObj:Event = new AddProductEvent("addProduct", "Flex T-shirt");
This is the metadata in the component and the import statement:
[Event (name="addProduct", type="events.AddProductEvent")]
import events.AddProductEvent;
In the main app, I've got:
import events.AddProductEvent;
private function onAddProduct( event:AddProductEvent ):void {
mx.controls.Alert.show('Attached data was ' + event.productName);
If I implement the component in the main app like this:
<visualcomponent:PopWindow addProduct="onAddProduct(event)" />
then everything works.
If I implement the component in the main app in actionscript like this, then I get an error:
public function clickHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void {
if(event.currentTarget.selected){popWindow = new PopWindow;
PopUpManager.addPopUp(popWindow, my_view, false);
popWindow.addEventListener(AddProductEvent.ADD_PRODUCT, onAddProduct);}
I get the error on the addEventListener line. What am I doing wrong? Any advice?
Thank you.
Your AddProductEvent class doesn't seem to expose a public static string called ADD_PRODUCT which has the value "addProduct" which is what it looks like you are trying to do.