I've been struggling with this report for some days trying to figure it out by myself, but I'm not going anywhere. As you can see below, the point is to get a report based on two different queries (QUERY1 and QUERY2) with a common dimension Q1F1 & Q2F1. I'd like to get two separate columns in the report matching the KEYS (actually a 9 digits string), Q1FA (a 20 digits string) and Q2F1(20 digits string).
Any idea how to deal with this situation please? Thanks a million!
Finally I figured this out.
Without using Query 1, and using only Query 2.
Create a detail variable on Q2F1 with associate dimention Q2F2 (the keys) as follows:
det_REPF1 = [Q2F1] where ([Q2F3]=1)
Create a detail variable on Q2F1 with the same associate dimention Q2F2 (the keys) as follows: det_REPF2 = [Q2F1] where ([Q2F3]=0)
In the Report the column are as follows:
Col1 = Q2F2 dimension from Query 2. Col2 = Min(det_REPF2) 'This is outputing multivalues I take the min Col3 = det_REPF1
And you're done. Hope this helps.