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BO WEBI : Extracting in two different columns different values from the same dimension


I've been struggling with this report for some days trying to figure it out by myself, but I'm not going anywhere. As you can see below, the point is to get a report based on two different queries (QUERY1 and QUERY2) with a common dimension Q1F1 & Q2F1. I'd like to get two separate columns in the report matching the KEYS (actually a 9 digits string), Q1FA (a 20 digits string) and Q2F1(20 digits string).

Any idea how to deal with this situation please? Thanks a million!

enter image description here


  • Finally I figured this out.

    Without using Query 1, and using only Query 2.

    Create a detail variable on Q2F1 with associate dimention Q2F2 (the keys) as follows:

    det_REPF1 = [Q2F1] where ([Q2F3]=1)

    Create a detail variable on Q2F1 with the same associate dimention Q2F2 (the keys) as follows: det_REPF2 = [Q2F1] where ([Q2F3]=0)

    In the Report the column are as follows:

    Col1 = Q2F2 dimension from Query 2. Col2 = Min(det_REPF2) 'This is outputing multivalues I take the min Col3 = det_REPF1

    And you're done. Hope this helps.