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Neo4j bean classes are not loaded in docker deployment version

I have a problem with SessionFactory bean package scanning … my application is using spring boot and spring data neo4j … If I run the app via spring boot , everything works fine and all of my bean classes get loaded in the session factory without any problem. The problem shows up when I use the docker deployment version… for some reasons the packages are not loaded properly in “org.neo4j.ogm.metadata.DomainInfo” class … So the classNameToClassInfo map remains empty after initialization. In other words “return new SessionFactory(getConfiguration(), "XXX.XXX.XXX.beans");” does not work for docker deployment version.

has anyone ever had a similar issue ? any idea?


  • As @Luanne mentioned , I filed an issue in github for this. However I found a workaround to solve this.The problem is that the current version of neo4j OGM does not support ".war" file scanning in the ClassPathScanner class ... & unfortunately I am putting a war file into my container. So instead of putting a ".war" in the docker container , I put a ".jar" version of my spring boot app in the container and it worked ! So if deploying a war in the container is not mandatory , you can try this solution , otherwise you have to wait till the issue link is resolved. :-)