Trying to unit test my new ionic2 application fails after adding the geolocation test cases. Here is a minimum example:
The error can be reproduced by running npm test
TypeScript error: app/services/geo/geolocation.service.spec.ts(30,38): Error TS2339: Property 'Coordinates' does not exist on type 'typeof ".../node_modules/ionic-native/dist/plugins/geolocation"'.
strangely even though I specified:
import * as NativeGeo from 'ionic-native/dist/plugins/geolocation';
this type definition seems to be used
/Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ 2016.2\
I just found Geolocation unit test with JsTestDriver which might be slightly related
I fixed it creating my own implementation of coordinates, like:
class MyCoordinates implements Coordinates {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
accuracy: number;
altitude: number;
altitudeAccuracy: number;
heading: number;
speed: number;