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Android Studio: Using Common Java Classes

This is insane to me, I've been searching all night, but can't figure out how to do this.

I have the following directory structure:

|Android Project1
|  (app, build, lib, etc)
|Android Project2
|  (app, build, lib, etc)
|Common Classes
|  (,

In Android Project1 and Android Project2, I would like to use the class that has definitions for a lot of things that both Android Project1 and Android Project2 have.

How, do I use those java classes in either of those Android Projects? It's like if stuff isn't inside of the Android Project itself, it's a huge pain in the ass to get Android Studio to see/use/import/whatever I need. I've been Googling for hours, and haven't found a perfect, elegant solution.

In my specific implementation, the common classes contain a TCP client library, and custom class for my project; both pure Java. I have a tiny test application, and a very large production application, both of which use the common classes. I want to keep the pure Java common stuff separate from each project's Android stuff.

Thank you.


  • You can put Common Classes as a library project. To make a new libraray project, in AS: Choose File > New > New Module and select Android Library. To change an existing application to library change in your build.gradle file

    apply plugin: ''


    apply plugin: ''

    To use this library in another project you can:

    1 - Click File > New Module.
    2 - Click Import .JAR/.AAR Package then click Next.
    3 - Enter the location of the AAR or JAR file then click Finish.

    Or, Import the library module to your project:

    Click File > New > Import Module.
    Enter the location of the library module directory then click Finish.

    Hope this solves your issue.