I have a search form in my web application that throws an Apache 400 Bad Request error when you search using an apostrophe (smart quote, i.e. ’
not '
). This happens when someone copy and pastes from Microsoft Word (which automatically converts tick marks to smart quotes).
The form causes a GET request which puts the search string in the URL. Even when I encode the string, it causes this error. What should I do to get this to work?
<script type="text/javascript">
function zend_submit_main() {
var query = $('#search_field').val();
if(query != '') {
var search_field = '/query/' + escape(query);
var url = '/search/results' + search_field + '/active-tab/contacts';
window.location = url;
return false;
<form id="search_form" method="GET" onsubmit="zend_submit_main(); return false;">
<input type="text" value="search by contact name" onFocus="if (this.value=='search by contact name') { this.value=''; }" onBlur="if (this.value=='') { this.value='search by contact name'; }" name="search_field" id="search_field" style="width:160px;" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" />
Use encodeURIComponent
instead of escape
var search_field = '/query/' + encodeURIComponent(query);
is not a standard function and does not encode the value according to the Percent-encoding as specified by RFC 3986. ’
for example is encoded as "%u2019