Parent template
<problem-form *ngIf=showProblemView (addProblem)=problemAdd($event)></problem-form>
Child Component
import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
@Output() addproblem = new EventEmitter<string>();
onClick() {
console.log('onSubmit') = false;
Parent event handler
problemAdd($event) {
console.log('eventString ')
I know that the child event IS emitting from following the debugger. My understanding is that the parent is not capturing the emitted child event. Any Ideas? Thanks!
In your child:
@Output() addproblem = new EventEmitter<string>();
In the parent:
<problem-form *ngIf=showProblemView (addProblem)=problemAdd($event)></problem-form>
Notice the capital P.
Angular 2 is case-sensitive.
Either rename the property to addProblem
or the output handler to (addproblem)