How does one find a nearby point given a gps coordinate? The new point can be randomly chosen, but must be within 100 meters of the origin. Collisions are fine as well.
origin = (latitude, longitude)
# prints one nearby point in (lat, lon)
print "%s, %s" % get_nearby_point(origin)
# prints another nearby point in (lat, lon)
print "%s, %s" % get_nearby_point(origin)
import geopy.distance
from random import random
def get_nearby_point(origin):
dist = geopy.distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers = .1)
pt = dist.destination(point=geopy.Point(origin), bearing=random()*360)
return pt[0],pt[1]
origin = (34.2234, 14.252) # I picked some mostly random numbers
# prints one nearby point in (lat, lon)
print "%s, %s" % get_nearby_point(origin)
# prints another nearby point in (lat, lon)
print "%s, %s" % get_nearby_point(origin)
$ python
34.2225717618, 14.2524285475
34.2225807815, 14.2524529774
I learned how to do this from here. It's not an exact duplicate, but it's enough to format this answer. You define a distance using the distance function then you move off a point, the input to the function, in a random direction.