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How to install Lua Love using the luarocks manger?

I am a complete newb to lua, but so far I like it.

I want to install love because it provides a nice framework and want to explore its features. I can already run lua scripts (luarocks comes with lua5.1.) and I have the zerobrain IDE. I installed socket.rock by getting the .rock file and running:

luarocks install luasocket-2.0.2-3.win32-x86.rock

But I can't find a similar file for love. I found this website: luarocks-love, which tells me:

luarocks install --server= <name>

So I can run this, but I don't know what <name> means... I tried it without <name> and I get an error. Can someone explain what I am missing here?



  • You can't install Love via luarocks. Love isn't a library.

    The installers for Windows are available here.

    What you have there is just used for installing libraries using luarocks that depend upon Love. It is not the framework itself.