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Convert a gps coordinate to an lat lng format?

This SO question has returned a coordinate like this: 48 52m 0.0s N, 2 21m 0.0s E.

But I want it something like 37.783333, -122.416667.


import geopy
import geopy.distance

# Define starting point.
start = geopy.Point(48.853, 2.349)

# Define a general distance object, initialized with a distance of 1 km.
d = geopy.distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers = 1)

# Use the `destination` method with a bearing of 0 degrees (which is north)
# in order to go from point `start` 1 km to north.
print d.destination(point=start, bearing=0)

# ^^^ That prints "48 52m 0.0s N, 2 21m 0.0s E"
# How to get it to lat lng?

Also, I don't know the terminology. I think the coordinates I want are in 4236, but I don't know what 48 52m 0.0s N, 2 21m 0.0s E is called.


  • I am sorry for not being able to provide you with the correct terminology :[ However, here is a possible solution for the code:

    x = d.destination(point=start, bearing=0) 
    print(x.latitude, x.longitude)