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Read & Write file tag in cocoa app OS X with swift or obj-c

Is there any way to read/write file tags without shell commands? Already tried NSFileManager and CGImageSource classes. No luck so far.

enter image description here


  • An NSURL object has a resource for key NSURLTagNamesKey. The value is an array of strings.

    This Swift example reads the tags, adds the tag Foo and write the tags back.

    let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/Path/to/file.ext")
    var resource : AnyObject?
    do {
      try url.getResourceValue(&resource, forKey: NSURLTagNamesKey)
      var tags : [String]
      if resource == nil {
        tags = [String]()
      } else {
        tags = resource as! [String]
      tags += ["Foo"]
      try url.setResourceValue(tags, forKey: NSURLTagNamesKey)
    } catch let error as NSError {

    The Swift 3+ version is a bit different. In URL the tagNames property is get-only so it's necessary to bridge cast the URL to Foundation NSURL

    var url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Path/to/file.ext")
    do {
        let resourceValues = try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.tagNamesKey])
        var tags : [String]
        if let tagNames = resourceValues.tagNames {
            tags = tagNames
        } else {
            tags = [String]()
        tags += ["Foo"]
        try (url as NSURL).setResourceValue(tags, forKey: .tagNamesKey)
    } catch {