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How to create a System.Net.Sockets.Socket instance for Windows Phone 8.1 App

this may be a stupid question since I am completely new to Windows Phone development - I've got some experience with developing in C# though... Anyways, I cannot figure out what is going on and MSDN is confusing me, maybe I got it all wrong.

I am simply trying to send UDP datagrams from a Lumia 925 to my PC, so I created an empty Windows Phone 8.1 app via VS wizard (MSVS 2015). Now, MSDN says there's supposed to be a socket class for Windows Phone 8.1, but there isn't even a Sockets namespace in System.Net. Now I tried my luck with DatagramSockets, which, according to MSDN, should feature a method GetEndpointPairsAsync, but it doesn't.

I thought maybe I'm missing assemblies I'd have to add to the References, but in the Add References dialog, there is hardly anything to be found. I'm starting to think that I missed out something very fundamental.

I'd appreciate any ideas.


  • Yes, you need use Windows.Networking.Sockets instead of System.Net.Sockets. (Reference)

    As for GetEndpointPairsAsync() you may try this:

        async Task ListEndpoints()
            HostName host = new HostName("");
            var eps = await DatagramSocket.GetEndpointPairsAsync(host, "80");
            foreach (EndpointPair ep in eps)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EP {0} {1}", new object[] { ep.LocalHostName, ep.RemoteHostName });

    More information is here.