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Spray - deserializing optional query parameter

From documentation page:

color extract value of parameter “color” as String

color.? extract optional value of parameter “color” as Option[String][Int] extract value of parameter “amount” as Int, you need a matching Deserializer in scope for that to work (see also Unmarshalling)

So how can I parse optional Int value? Something like amount.?.as[Int] doesn't seem to work.


  • You can see the details here:

    case class NameReceptacle[A](name: String) {
      def as[B] = NameReceptacle[B](name)
      def as[B](deserializer: FSOD[B]) = NameDeserializerReceptacle(name, deserializer)
      def ? = as[Option[A]]
      def ?[B](default: B) = NameDefaultReceptacle(name, default)
      def ![B](requiredValue: B) = RequiredValueReceptacle(name, requiredValue)

    The straightforward syntax would be


    Unfortunately there is no syntactic sugar to create a NameRecaptable for an option type directly, but you can do it in two steps:


    ? is an alias for NameRecaptable[A].as[Option[A]], so you can use the following code (note the postfix operator syntax):
