Can a common step function be mapped for multiple given-when-then statements? In Cucumber JS the step definitions are in the format
this.Given(/^I have the following for a particular test$/, function () {
//code for the step
For In C# version of BDD (Specflow), multiple gherkin statements can be bound to a single method. For e.g.
[Given(@"I have the following for a particular test")]
[Given(@"I have also the following for another test")]
public void GivenIHaveTheFollowingForAParticularTest()
Is there any mechanism to implement this in CucumberJS as well?
Yes, you can do that in cucumber.js using regex. For example:
this.Given(/^I have (?:the following for a particular|also the following for another)? test&/, function () {
// code for step
Above regex will match both the statements so this step-definition will get called for both.
To test it have a look here: