this is my problem 1 here: Handle number in string PHP . I solved it.
Now, i see new problem, you can see the picture:
I want to get only number, not date (500000 and 200000) and sum it.
This is my code without date:
$total= 0;
$ex = explode(' ',$_POST['txtSalary']);
function total($ex) {
global $total;
return $total+=$ex;
echo $total."<br/>";
I try so much but no result, hope you can help me. Thank you!
I assume that your $_POST['txtSalary']
look like below:-
$_POST['txtSalary'] = '-27/07/2016: 5000000
-01/08/2016: 2000000';
So do like below:-
$_POST['txtSalary'] = '-27/07/2016: 5000000
-01/08/2016: 2000000';
$array = explode(PHP_EOL, $_POST['txtSalary']);
$sum = 0;
foreach($array as $arr){
$sum += explode(': ',$arr)[1];
echo $sum;