I have Delphi 10 Seattle, but I have an older program I wrote in 1995 with Delphi 1. I have since moved it to Delphi 5 — because of all the old 3rd-party components I have used over the years, it would be a total re-write (at least a year) to move it into Delphi 10 Seattle.
One of my secure websites the program uses is soon going to require TLS 1.2. I have Indy 9 installed, and that has worked fine with TLS 1.0, but I understand the only way for TLS 1.2 is to install Indy 10. So far, I have been unsuccessful.
Then I exit Delphi 5 and either get the following error or the 2 packages are unchecked:
I have tried to move the all the files from the created 'D2' folder to a folder right off of my C drive in case it was some sort of Windows 10 permission problem. I changed environment paths to match and add those packages. Still, Delphi states it can't find the file.
Installation seems simple enough. What could I be doing wrong? I left a post in the Tools section of Embarcadero's forum, but I can see it is not used much. Search the forum and found '0' results. I sure how your Delphi experts can help.
Delphi 5 likes to see BPL related files in his directory.
(Of course you have to adapt the path specified in this example.)
Search for the **Indy*.* files, copy all with the same compilation date/time to Delphi5's folder. Look at next picture for the path and files.
If you have the files !! (Don't copy now first) Remove the previous assignment to the Component. Press Remove to
Indy 10 Core Desig Time -> dclIndyCore50.bpl
Indy 10 Protocols Design Time -> dclIndyProtocols50.bpl
Close and Restart Delphi
Now copy the files to the Delphi folder!
Install Component Package
press Add (look at Image above)
goto ...\Delphi5\Projects\Bpl\dclIndyCore50.bpl
next Add ...\Delphi5\Projects\Bpl\dclIndyProtocols50.bpl
Make sure that the path to Delphi is in Environment
Close and restart Delphi.