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While checking man file in youtube-dl

Commend: man youtube-dl

Output :

No manual entry for youtube-dl
See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.

how to resolve this problem.


  • Your installation of youtube-dl does not include a manpage. There are a couple of options you can take:

    • Read the information online
    • Contact your packaging and ask for a fixed package. If you have manually installed youtube-dl, this does not apply.
    • Check out repository or build tarball and install youtube-dl manually from that with sudo python install.
    • Install the manpage from a build - it's the youtube-dl.1 file included in builds, and belongs in /usr/share/man/man1/.
    • Create the manpage yourself by checking out the source code and running make youtube-dl.1 . Place this file in /usr/share/man/man1/.
    • Simply run youtube-dl --help | less - that's got most of the information anyways.
    • Check out the youtube-dl repository (or a tarball) and run less (you can also use any editor to open