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How to make angular2 listen to pinchmove and pan event simultaneously

As Angular2 is implemented with hammerjs, so it can listen to the pan, pinch events with HostListener:

@HostListener('pinchmove', ['$event'])
onPinchMove(e: any) {

However I want to implement the pinch and pan functionality, while HostListener cannot listen to the following event:

@HostListener('pinchmove pan', ['$event'])
onPinchMove(e: any) {

From the documentation of Hammerjs, it's using recognizeWith to listen these two events simultaneously:

var pinch = new Hammer.Pinch();
var pan= new Hammer.Pan();

But can I use HostListener to listen to these two events instead of using the recognizeWith?


  • By doing this, I'll have to added my own configuration: main.ts:

    bootstrap(MyApp, [
       provide(HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG, {useClass: MyHammerConfig})


    class MyHammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig  {
       events: string[] = ['pinch pan']; //necessary for ng2 to recognize "pinch pan" event
       buildHammer(element: HTMLElement): HammerInstance {
          let mc = new Hammer(element, {domEvents: true});
          mc.get('pinch').set({enable: true});
          return mc;

    For more reference, this is the post I made in angular/angular: Listen to pinchmove and pan event simultaneously with hammerjs?