I have a table containing a list of name which might contain special character:
id name
1 Johän
2 Jürgen
3 Janna
4 Üdyr
Is there a function that replaces each character for another specific one? (Not necessarily an unaccented one). Something like this:
SELECT id, function('ä,ü',name,'ae,ue');
id name
1 Johaen
2 Juergen
3 Janna
4 UEdyr
No, there are no this function. Probably is not to hard to write optimized C extension what does it. But C language is not necessary always. You can try SQL or PLpgSQL function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION xx(text, text[], text[])
RETURNS text AS $$
SELECT string_agg(coalesce($3[array_position($2, c)],c),'')
FROM regexp_split_to_table($1,'') g(c)
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
postgres=# select xx('Jürgen', ARRAY['ä','ü'], ARRAY['ae','ue']);
│ xx │
│ Juergen │
(1 row)
On my comp it does 6000 transformation under 200ms (but I have developer build of PostgreSQL - it is slower).