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cfquery to queryExecute: if inside SQL string

what is the best way to do what I did in <cfquery> even in queryExecute


<cfquery name="qry">
    SELECT * FROM tbl_products
    WHERE filed1 = 1

    <cfif structKeyExists(URL, "test")>
        AND filed2 = 2




    sql = "
        SELECT * FROM tbl_products
        WHERE filed1 = 1
        ORDER BY id DESC

    if (structKeyExists(URL, "test")){
        sql = "
            SELECT * FROM tbl_products
            WHERE filed1 = 1
            AND filed2 = 2
            ORDER BY id DESC

    qry = queryExecute(
        sql = sql


I hope I've explained myself well...


  • You have to build up the SQL string. Also well worth passing in the param values, so that you are protected from SQL injection. Something like:

    params = {};
    sql = "
        SELECT * FROM tbl_products
        WHERE filed1 = :filed1 
    params["filed1"] = 1;
    if (structKeyExists(URL, "test")){
        sql &= "AND filed2 = :filed2 ";
        params["filed2"] = 2;
    sql &= "ORDER BY id DESC";
    queryExecute(sql, params);

    Alternatively, you can use positional parameters.

    params = [];
    sql = "
        SELECT * FROM tbl_products
        WHERE filed1 = ?
    arrayAppend(params, 1);
    if (structKeyExists(URL, "test")){
        sql &= "AND filed2 = ? ";
        arrayAppend(params, 2);
    sql &= "ORDER BY id DESC";
    queryExecute(sql, params);

    This is one of the times where tags is better than script.