I am working on an application which is base on beacon devices. Scenario is that when ever user go to nearby by beacon device range he will get notification.
For that i am trying to monitoring the region in background while Bluetooth is in off state, but its not working i.e. i am not getting any callback i.e. "onRegionEntered" or "onRegionAbandoned".
So the question is that is this possible to monitor a region when Bluetooth of phone is OFF (offcource Location (GPS) is ON), if yes then how , Please provide any sample or code snippet.
As we have "Kontakt" iBeacon devices so i am using kontakt sdk. Kontakt SDK
I am using this configuration for region monitoring
private void configureProximityManager() {
private void addReasonForMonitoring(){
private BeaconRegion getBeaconReason(){
return new BeaconRegion.Builder()
private void startMonitoring() {
Log.e(TAG,"start monitoring");
int checkSelfPermission = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION);
if ((PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == checkSelfPermission) /*&& Utils.getBluetoothState()*/) {
proximityManager.connect(new OnServiceReadyListener() {
public void onServiceReady() {
Log.e(TAG, "startScanning");
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Permission not guaranteed or bluetooth is off");
If Bluetooth is off, you cannot detect Bluetooth LE beacons. This is an operating system restriction and not specific to any one beacon SDK.
While this may seem obvious, it is a fair question given that Google internally scans WiFi networks for location purposes even if WiFi is turned off. The same, however, is not true for Bluetooth.