To the kind people of SO,
I am having trouble finding any resources for installing NodeJS (current or earlier version) onto a RHEL4 box. I am starting to doubt if this is even possible as the OS dates back 10 years now. The machine has Python 2.3.4 and GCC 3.4.6, if that's of any help.
I am hoping someone here could maybe point me in the right direction, I feel I may be grasping for straws at this point.
There is only a handful of possibility, since from comment, you said upgrading the box is not a option. (I d like you to know there is security implications too, you should have a up-to-date OS):
Note that, even if compiling from source should be easy:
tar -xzf node-v4.4.7-linux-x86.tar.gz
cd ./node-v4.4.7-linux-x86
./configure #Options
make install
You will almost always run into issues because of not installed or outdated dependencies. At this step, you may want to track down a previously supported version of node.js for RHEL4 (0.10.x?), or try to make a case about upgrading the box.