I'm running into another issue with my Grails application. I created and populated my Site_Menu table as below. When I try to access the controller functions, I get an error that the table cannot be found. I'll provide my code below.
CREATE TABLE `Site_Menu` (
`MenuDisplay` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`MenuLink` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`MenuTarget` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
`MenuSortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Home Page', 'index.html', null, 1);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('About the BPO Elks', 'aboutelks.html', null, 2);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Drug Awareness Program', 'dap.html', null, 3);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Elks National Fund', 'enf.html', null, 4);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('G.U.M.B.O. Games', 'majorproject.html', null, 5);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Louisiana Elks Fund', 'lef.html', null, 6);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Scholarships', 'scholarships.html', null, 7);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Veterans Services', 'vavs.html', null, 8);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('About Us', 'aboutus.html', null, 9);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Our Facilities', 'facilities.html', null, 10);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs', 'officers.html', null, 11);
INSERT INTO Site_Menu (MenuDisplay, MenuLink, MenuTarget, MenuSortOrder)
VALUES ('Contact Us', 'contactus.html', null, 12);
I have my domain model like:
package plaquemineelks
class SiteMenu {
Long id
String title
String link
String target
Integer sortOrder
static constraints = {
title (blank: false)
link (blank: false)
sortOrder (blank: false)
static mapping = {
table: "Site_Menu"
id column: "ID"
title column: "MenuDisplay"
link column: "MenuLink"
target column: "MenuTarget"
sortOrder column: "MenuSortOrder"
version false
The controller looks like:
package plaquemineelks
class SiteMenuController {
def index() { }
def getMenu() {
var results = SiteMenu.findAll()
render(contentType: 'text/json') {[
'results': results,
'status': results ? "OK" : "Nothing present"
The error I get reads:
URI /PlaquemineElks/SiteMenu/getMenu Class com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException Message Table 'PlaquemineElks.site_menu' doesn't exist
I have tried renaming the table and class, I recreated everything. My Calendar class and controller works fine, why is this one giving me problems?
Thanks for the assistance on this issue and my last.
Basing on official docs, instead of:
static mapping = {
table: "Site_Menu"
static mapping = {
table name: "Site_Menu"
static mapping = {
table "Site_Menu"