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NSIS AccessControl::GrantOnFile permission failing

I am trying to create and set a directory with NSIS and the accessControl plugin like the following:

CreateDirectory "$APPDATA\${productName}"
; create fileResources directory
CreateDirectory "$APPDATA\${productName}\fileResources"
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$APPDATA\${productName}\fileResources" "Everyone" "FullAccess"
Pop $0 ; get "Marker" or error msg
StrCmp $0 "Marker" Continue
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Error setting access control for $APPDATA\${productName}\fileResources: $0"
Pop $0 ; pop "Marker"
    Pop $0

I am receiving the following on $0 Response what is that response?

I want to make a folder readable and writable by the installed program


  • I'm guessing that you are building a Unicode installer using NSIS v3 and that you put the wrong plugin in the plugins subdirectory, that is why the result looks chinese.

    To install a plugin correctly you need to put the ANSI .dll in NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi and the Unicode .dll in NSIS\Plugins\x86-unicode.