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Using Tibco EMS with node.js

I am working on an app which has recently converted to a node.js back end.

My original plan is to use Tibco EMS to publish messages through a queue, and use websockets to fire these to the front end, however I wanted to know if this is feasible for a relative beginner using node.js? And if so what is the best way to go about this?


  • TIBCO EMS supports the JMS standard but has client libs for various platforms, e.g. C Lib could be used in a custom node module to access EMS. Someone asked the question a while before (see here: Tibco EMS protocol).

    There's an experimental EMS node plugin on github, but not sure if in usable status so far:

    Another option if your company has TIBCO's Web messaging addon for EMS is to use websockets like described here Tibco EMS connectivity using nodejs /Javascript

    Hope that helps