I have a scenario in which i want to get Maximum Date but not from Whole Table Just from Selected id but i failed.
Here is my table
I run This Query For get my selected id
SELECT * FROM `tbl_methodology` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(6, `col_select_corporate`)
and i got that result
From that result I want to get that record which have maximum Date
I try that query but it not working for me
SELECT * FROM `tbl_methodology` WHERE id IN (1,5,7) AND `col_date` = (
SELECT MAX(`col_date`)
FROM `tbl_methodology`)
Can anyone help me??
Add the where clause twice and you should get the result you expected:
SELECT * FROM `tbl_methodology` WHERE id IN (1,5,7) AND `col_date` = (
SELECT MAX(`col_date`)
FROM `tbl_methodology` WHERE id IN (1,5,7))
And as i commented: it is very bad db design, to save values as CSV