I came across this code segment elsewhere. It simply adds all the digits in a given number:
def sumDigits(n):
sum = 0
while n > 0:
sum += n % 10
n //= 10
return sum
Problem is, I don't get the logic behind it at all. In particular, I don't get exactly what the loop does:
while n > 0:
sum += n % 10 # Why n % 10?
n //= 10 # Again, not sure why we divide the number by 10
Could someone provide me with an example of how the algorithm works?
You should understand 2 things:
n % 10
give you the rightmost digit of a number. For example: 123 % 10 = 3
n // 10
remove the rightmost digit of a number. For example: 123 // 10 = 12
so if you repeat that process you get the desired result