IV_Suggest_Sales_Setup_HDR(IV00400),IV_Suggest_Sales_Setup_LINE(IV00401) These are two classes to insert suggested items in Item card
These are two tables related to suggested items in Item card and i found that these are the two econnect classes through this http://www.profad.com/media/259634/company-data-archive-manual-gp-2013.pdf link but i am not able to access these IV_Suggest_Sales_Setup_HDR, IV_Suggest_Sales_Setup_LINE 2 classes through econnect reference and when i check Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization.dll classes i am not able to see those classes in my dll using object browser and i figured out that these classes are not available inside econnect dll itself.
Can anybody help me how can i enable and add those classes in my econnect reference ?
I am new econnect and GP please help me in resolving this issue
Sandeep K
Create custom nodes in .XSD file and generate dll and consume it