I'm trying to write a script that I can look at a list of remote servers, search for certain file type. Then if the File consists with a certain string i want to know what file that is and on what computer.
I started with the basics but when I do Select-String I can't retrieve the file nor can i find the computer name, it just outputs the same string as i have in my script.
I'm sure i'm missing something basic but any suggestions here will greatly be appreciated.
$servers = ArrayofServers
ForEach ($server in $Servers){
invoke-command -computername $server {Get-ChildItem "D:\Folder\Location\Windows\" -Include *.txt -Recurse |
Get-Content |
Select-String 'String to Select' |
} -Credential $credential }
I want to be able to Select FileName,Pscomputername and Select-String.
I find it easier to break the pipeline. I have tested this code successfully:
$Servers = @("ArrayofServers")
foreach ($Server in $Servers)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {
$Results = $false
$SearchResults = Get-ChildItem "D:\Folder\Location\Windows\" -Include *.txt -Recurse
foreach ($SearchResult in $SearchResults)
If ($SearchResult | Get-Content | Select-String 'String to Select')
$SearchResult | Get-Content
$Results = $true
If ($Results)
} -Credential $Credential