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Skype for Business Web SDK - participants object empty

When creating a meeting via the Skype for Business Web SDK, the conversation object contains a participants list which contains objects representing the participant details of that meeting. This is working and we can see all the participants that we would expect.

However when joining a meeting that someone else has created via the Skype for Business Web SDK, the participants list is always empty, despite knowing for a fact that there are other users connected to that meeting.

Is this a bug in the SDK? Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: updating with more info after suggestions

we retrieve the conversation object using the following code (note we are retrieving it via a URI):


Here are the outputs from experimenting with the conversation object:

conversation.participants() returns []

conversation.participants returns function [Collection: 0 items]

conversation.participants.get().then(function(participants) {

logs Promise {task_ccf0d98018eaf: Task}


  • getConversationByUri doesn't actually join the meeting. It just retrieves a conversation model. You need to actually start one of the services (conversation.chatService.start(), conversation.audioService.start(), etc) in order to join the meeting. Once you join the meeting the participants collection will get updated with people in the meeting.