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Calculate results with LIFO method via TSQL

I want to make calculation via LIFO (last in first out) method with TSQL.

Using LIFO method will require you to calculate profit/loss by selling last transactions.

Example how it works:

  1. deal is concluded on 1 march we BUY 10 stocks for 5 dollars each
  2. deal is concluded on 2 march we BUY 15 stocks for 6 dollars each
  3. deal is concluded on 3 march we BUY 5 stocks for 4 dollars each
  4. deal is concluded on 4 march we SELL 17 stocks for 7 dollars each

By the 4th transaction we now have sold 5 stocks from 3rd march for 4 dollars each and 12 stocks from 2nd march 6 dollars each.

So now we have left the following: 10 stocks for 5 dollars each from transaction on 1 march 3 stocks from 6 dollars each from transaction on 2 march (17-5-15 = -3).

Having 13 stocks left with an average price of (10*5 + 3*6) / 13 = 5.23076923

Here's test data generation scripts:

use TestTask
IF OBJECT_ID('testtable','U')IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE testtable
create table testtable
stockid int not null,
dealid int identity (1,1) not null,
dealtype char(1) not null,
stockdate datetime not null,
stockamount int not null,
priceperstock int not null
insert into testtable(stockid,dealtype,stockdate,stockamount,priceperstock)

I would like to calculate finance position and many other parameters which would requre me to know how many stocks with appropriate price left. I have come to this so far:

case dealtype
    when 'B' then stockamount
    when 'S' then -stockamount
end as stockamount,
        case dealtype
            when 'B' then stockamount
            when 'S' then -stockamount
    ) over (partition by 
        stockid order by dealid ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
         as poistion
from testtable


stockid dealid  dealtype       stockdate           priceperstock    stockamount    poistion
    111       1       B       2016-01-03 00:00:00.000      5             10             10
    111       2       B       2016-02-03 00:00:00.000      6             15             25
    111       3       B       2016-03-03 00:00:00.000      4             5              30
    111       4       S       2016-04-03 00:00:00.000      7            -17             13

Desired output:

stockid dealid  dealtype       stockdate           priceperstock    stockamount    poistion    stocksleft
    111       1       B       2016-01-03 00:00:00.000      5             10             10      10
    111       2       B       2016-02-03 00:00:00.000      6             15             25      3
    111       3       B       2016-03-03 00:00:00.000      4             5              30      0
    111       4       S       2016-04-03 00:00:00.000      7            -17             13      0

What is the best way to go?


  • I suspect that you'll probably be wanting to interleave your buys and sells so while I think the other answer was a great starting point, it won't quite handle the entire scenario.

    Basically I think you will have to handle this with some kind of iterative mechanism. I tried to do it with recursion but unfortunately the analytic functions just don't work right with that method. So I fell back to a temp table and while loop.

    create table #R (
        lvl int not null, stockId int not null, dealId int not null,
        stockDate datetime not null, stockAmount int not null, pricePerStock int not null,
        stockRemaining int not null, amountDeducted int not null
    insert into #R (
        lvl, stockId, dealId, stockDate, stockAmount,
        pricePerStock, stockRemaining, amountDeducted
    select 0, stockId, dealId, stockDate, stockAmount, pricePerStock, stockAmount, 0
    from <T> where dealtype = 'B' /* <--- your table is <T> */
    declare @lvl int = 0;
    declare @rowCount int = 1;
    while @rowCount > 0
        set @lvl = @lvl + 1;
        with sells as (
            select stockId, dealId as saleId,
                row_number() over (order by dealId) as sellNum, stockAmount as sellAmount
            from <T> where dealType = 'S'
        update #R
        set stockRemaining = (
            select stockRemaining
            from (
                select dealId,
                        when r.stockRemaining + s.sellAmount
                              < sum(stockRemaining) over (order by dealId desc)
                            then r.stockRemaining
                        when sum(stockRemaining) over (order by dealId desc)
                              < s.sellAmount
                            then 0
                        else sum(stockRemaining) over (order by dealId desc)
                              - s.sellAmount
                    end as stockremaining
                from sells s inner join #R r
                    on r.stockId = s.stockId and r.dealId < s.saleId
                where s.stockId = #R.stockId and s.sellNum = @lvl
            ) data
            where dealId = #R.dealId
        where dealId < (select saleId from sells where sellNum = @lvl);
        set @rowCount = @@rowCount;

    I've trimmed it down for posting. See it in action here with a little more output to follow the logic better: