I have simple chart (TChart) on a form. I tried printing this chart with:
Chart1.Draw(TPrinterDrawer.Create(Printer), myRect);
and chart is printed OK. But when I try to draw line(s) after drawing the chart, ie.:
printer.Canvas.MoveTo(Printer.PageWidth div 6, (Printer.PageHeight *4) div 5);
printer.Canvas.LineTo(Printer.PageWidth div 2, (Printer.PageHeight *4) div 5);
No lines are drawn (on real printer or bitmap canvas) from printed chart to end of doc.
When I choose Microsoft XPS Document writer, lines are printed on the page.
What do I need to do to resolve this problem?
This is a bug in TAChart because the pen is in pmXor mode after printing the chart. Should be fixed in Lazarus trunk (will be back-ported to version 1.6.2)