UserA Original Repository Creator: No branches. Master only.
UserB Forks the repository and makes some changes and creates a new branch and puts the changes into
How can userA ,
Some info on current scenario
UserB(forked user) is not available to push those changes - the question is not "how can I get to do something" but "how can I do something myself" without requesting userB to push the changes to UserA (Original repo creator)
In addition, UserA doesnt want to merge this to MASTER.
UserA prefers to put these changes in a new branch. i.e.{create-new-branch}
Add userB's repository as a remote, pull it to a new branch locally, then push it to userA's repository:
git remote add userA
git remote add userB
git pull userB newbranch-name
git push userA newbranch-name