I have a subreport in a tablix that I only want to run if the row has the maximum due date of a grouping. The grouping I have is by part #.
Basically, if a row has the latest due date for that part #, I want the subreport to run/show.
I tried this for the hidden expression on the subreport, but it has some errors (too many arguments):
=IIF(Fields!DUE_DATE.Value = max(Fields!DUE_DATE.Value, "PART_NO"), "PurchasePart", False, True)
Any ideas?
Try this expression:
=IIF(Fields!DUE_DATE.Value = max(Fields!DUE_DATE.Value, "PART_NO"), False, True)
Note IIF
function receives three arguments, you have an additional argument in your expression: "PurchasePart"
=IIF(conditional,true branch,false branch)
Let me know if you need further help.