I have the following data and I can have 3 different cases:
Case 1:
"afield1" : "something1", "credentials" : [] , "afield2" : "something2"
Case 2:
"afield1" : "something1", "credentials" : [ ["root", "toor"] ] , "afield2" = "something2"
Case 3:
"afield1" : "something1", "credentials" : [ [ "admin", "support" ], [
"admin", "password" ], [ "admin", "123321" ] ] , "afield2" : "something2"
how can I get get the usernames and passwords?
I found a silly way for the first case.. But the others are so compliated.. It can not be exploded neither on comma (,) or braket ([ ]) ... Help if something knows how to explode correct or get the values from that thing...
You can use a preg_match
and preg_match_all
functions like in this code
$credentials = [];
$text = '"afield1" = "something1", "credentials" : [ [ "admin", "support" ], ["admin", "pass]word" ], [ "admin", "123321" ] ] , "afield2" = "something2"';
preg_match('/"credentials" : \[(.*?)\] ,/i', $text, $matches);
preg_match_all('/\[[ ]?"(.*?)"[ ]?\]/i', $matches[1], $matches2);
foreach ($matches2[1] as $match) {
preg_match_all('/"(.*?)"/i', '"' . $match . '"', $matches3);
$credential = ['login' => $matches3[1][0], 'password' => $matches3[1][1]];
$credentials[] = $credential;
On the ouptut you can see
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(5) "admin"
string(7) "support"
array(2) {
string(5) "admin"
string(8) "pass]word"
array(2) {
string(5) "admin"
string(6) "123321"
This code is working correctly for the others samples from your question.