I have already added 'activated' as a boolean in my User table. I forgot to add it to false as default, so I generated this migration :
rails g migration add_default_to_users_activated
I then added line 3 here :
class AddDefaultToUsersActivated < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column_default :users, :activated, true
I then ran the migration w/out any problems. I realized I should have added 'false' instead of 'true', so I wanted to reverse the migration and just change the add_default_to_users_activated.rb file to 'false' However when I run
rake db:rollback
rake gets aborted due to ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration.
But what is the mechanism I have set in, that prevents the migration from being reverted and how do I fix it?
EDIT: I'm running rails 4.2
It's a bad idea to change your migrations before a rollback. According to Rails 5 documentation change_column_default
requires from
and to
attributes to be reversible.
In Rails 5 migration should look like this:
class AddDefaultToUsersActivated < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column_default :users, :activated, from: nil, to: false
In Rails 4 you should separate change
method to up
and down
as @ChrisBarthol suggested, because from
and to
options was not introduced yet:
class AddDefaultToUsersActivated < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column_default :users, :activated, true
def down
change_column_default :users, :activated, nil