I have the following Domain Classes:
class PreparedToWork {
String location
static hasMany = [assessors: Assessor]
class Assessor {
//Some Properties
static belongsTo = [PreparedToWork]
static hasMany = [preparedToWork: PreparedToWork]
I would like to retrieve all of the Assessors which are prepared to work in a certain location with only the prepared to work ID. I have my join table in the actual database so I'm certain the relationship is fine however have tried various querying options and have failed miserably.
App info:
I think the following is a much more natural way to describe your domain
class Location {
String name
static hasMany = [preparedToWork: Assessor]
class Assessor {
//Some Properties
static belongsTo = [Location]
static hasMany = [preparedToWork: Location]
Then you can retrieve all of the assessors who are prepared to work in a certain location with
"from Assessor a join a.preparedToWork l where l.id = ?", [locationId])