I am going to embed some medias of the logged in user by following Instagram API:
But it needs shortlink or at least shortcode to produce the link. Unfortunately using below API neither returns a shortlink nor shortcode.
Any idea to solve this?
In the JSON API response there is a "link", that is the shortlink url:
"data": [{
"comments": {
"count": 0
"caption": {
"created_time": "1296710352",
"text": "Inside le truc #foodtruck",
"from": {
"username": "kevin",
"full_name": "Kevin Systrom",
"type": "user",
"id": "3"
"id": "26621408"
"likes": {
"count": 15
"link": "http://instagr.am/p/BWrVZ/",
"user": {
"username": "kevin",
"profile_picture": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/profile_3_75sq_1295574122.jpg",
"id": "3"